Research Agenda InSituEx

Agile Ethics

How is an applied ethical analysis possible that does not rely on what Donna Haraway so aptly called the "god trick," i.e., precisely that distanced and neutral, disembodied and non-situated perspective commonly understood as "moral"? In other words, is a multi-perspective and yet situated ethics possible?

That is, one in which a philosopher does not abstract from their body and their socialization in order to make moral judgments on the basis of thought experiments, but in which the—design-ethnographically researched—positions are changed, be they human (in other bodies, cultures, times, places) or nonhuman (animals, plants, objects, etc.).

In this subproject, we aim to technologically and ecologically adapt concepts and methods of advocatory discourses and stakeholder analysis. It will be conducted as a case study (e.g., on the Waldviertel wind farm in Lower Austria) in a participatory, citizen-science research and design process.